Week 10 – Extras and Overdubs

This week we recorded both Daniel playing the acoustic guitar and Alex playing the electric guitar solo for the track.

The solo was recorded first, and so Daniel was able to help James Woodliffe and Ross set up the mics for recording. An AKG 414 was used as a room mic, with an omni-directional polar pattern, while two Shure SM57 were used to record the amp, with one placed at the centre of the amp, giving a brighter sound, while the other was off to the side, giving a darker sound.



With Clementine on the Desk and Callum on Pro Tools, we recorded Alex performing the solo for the track. This recording took a number of attempts due to crackling which we believe was caused by the jack on his guitar. He attempted to resolve this by performing stood up, although this caused him to mess up a few times, however in the end we got a good recording with him sat down again, this time without crackle.

We then went on to record Daniel on the Acoustic Guitar, and so James Woodliffe and Ross set up the mics. Again, the AKG 414 was used as a room mic, however it was moved further back so that it was almost at the complete opposite end of the room to Dan. One of the Shure SM57s was placed near the fretboard of his acoustic guitar, while the other was placed near the sound hole.




Daniel had two ways of playing along to the track, one where he would constantly strum, and one where he would not. After hearing both, we decided to go with a constant strum as otherwise it was essentially replicating the electric guitar, and we overall agreed a constant strum sounded better. The actual recording was done very smoothly as I believe there were no slip-ups and it was done in his first attempt.



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